Jeevika Asia Livelihood Film Festival Awards

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Arana wins two awards at the Jeevika Asia Livelihood Film Festival, 2013.

Best Cinematography & Best Editing: Have You Seen The Arana?
Director: Sunanda Bhat | Cinematographer: Saumyananda Sahi | Editor: Tanushree Das

Every frame of this film is an aesthetic delight, lit as if by a studio photographer, rather than a documentary camera. ‘Have You Seen the Arana’ flows from one scenario to another, in a stream of cultural context and consciousness, an enviable fluidity that is a testament to the craft of editing.

Screening as Doc-art Special at Film Week Hamburg

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‘Have you seen the arana?’ has been invited for the ‘FILM WEEK HAMBURG’ hosted by Ministry of Culture and the Consul General of India, Hamburg.

The film will be screened under Doc-art Special on Friday, September 13, at 19:00 hours at Metropolis Cinema, Kleine Theaterstrasse 10, 20354 Hamburg, Germany followed by a discussion with the filmmaker Sunanda Bhat and Barbara Lorey de Lacharriere(program consulting and film critic, Paris) and Dieter Beger (Prof. for Cultural Anthropology, University in Klagenfurt). Moderated by Navina Sundaram (Journalist).